Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dang that's a long time

This May 2 marked Larry and I's 10 year anniversary! We have been together more than a third of my life! That's crazy to think!! We met shortly after my 18th birthday started dating a few weeks later, then engaged 5 months later and married 11 months after that! 10 years! We often talk about how quick it went. How it hasn't seemed like 10 years could have passed. What's even weirder is that I'm old enough to have been in a relationship for that long. We will have our 9th wedding anniversary here in September . . . and that just blows our minds! So in honor of our 10 years together, here are a couple pictures from 10 years ago. Dang we looked young . . . oh wait, that's because we were!



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