So I was thinking I haven't blogged in a while. Well that would be an understatement. Aside from Music Video Monday's (which I haven't even done in a while) I haven't written a real blog in about 6 weeks! Yowza! Where did the time go? Oh wait I know, it was summer which equals busy, which means time moves TOO fast. Well here we are on the cusp of September. It was a great and busy summer. I still can't believe that it is over.
Last Monday, August 24th was Cameron's first official day back to school. We are homeschooling again this year and he is in Kindergarten with Julian Charter School. He is starting to read! This is really exciting for so many reasons, but especially because I'm a big reader! He is doing first grade math and is really doing well! He LOVES to learn! We are really enjoying the homeschool experience and look forward to what this year has to offer!
Larry has been quite busy this year. He got a schedule B engineer job several months ago and has spent little time at home since. This is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing cause the overtime is great but a curse cause we miss him. He has, as of today been home 5.5 days in the last 6 almost 7 weeks. Needless to say, I need a break! But we are thankful for the work.
Business is going well. We have one more wedding planned for this year . . . but could still get more. If we don't get any more we will have ended the season with 7 weddings! That is significant growth for us! We have several events coming up and will head right into the Christmas season here in about another month. We are thankful that we are growing! I'm thankful that I don't nescessirily have to work, but get to on my terms. It's been a great experience for our family.
Well my goal now that I'm getting back into a normal routine, will be to update on a more regular basis. So stay tuned cause I have lots of pictures to show off from the summer :O)
If you ever get bored you can look at the business blog, I'm really good about keeping that updated!
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