You might be a redneck if . . .
You own a camouflaged chair
Now look carefully friends, this is not just a camo chair! It's a camo massage chair! That's right, after a long day of hunting you can come home, strip off your own camo pants, wash off that doe urine you put on to attract that buck, open up a Pabst Blue Ribbon and flop into this comfort of all comforts as you dream widely on which wall of your trailer you will be hanging that buck head when it comes back from the taxidermists. Weeewwwww eeeeeeeee that is one fine lookin chair! And it looks SO good next to this little beauty . . .
Yup, that there is a GENUINE whiskey barrel holding up that there table top! As if that was not a fine enough looking table, the artist went a couple of steps further and added rifles along the sides. I mean nothing says "come on and enjoy your dinner" like a Winchester rifle holding up your plate! But look closer friends, you see that thing the price tag is hanging off of? Yup you guessed it, that is a GENUINE spur! I mean it wouldn't be a thrilling adventure if you didn't have to worry about impaling yourself on that spur! Where would the fun be in that? But I love how the pros at Bass Pro knew who their target shopper would be. It may be hard to see in this picture, but those are beer cups on that fine piece of furniture.
And just in case you are shy and never let your neighbors inside, but you want them to know just how big a redneck you are, may I suggest one of these little beauties?
I mean come on that is MAGNIFICENT! Someone may never be able to come in and see that big ol' large mouth mounted on the wall, but they may assume you have one after getting an eye full of your mailbox. I mean . . . come on! Rednecks of the world unite! Join me as we stand together against conformity of the man! We have our choices! Yes!! You can choose bass, trout or catfish! No conformity here! Join me join me!!
Whew . . . sorry . .. I think I'll be okay now. Now back to your regular scheduled programing.
about the chair...
instead of ripping off your camo hunting outfit, keep it on! you will be invisible & your wife won't know you are home & therefore will not ask you to put the chillens down to bed.
LOL! And may I say...I LOVE your response too Heather! That store is pretty fun...Too funny Kammy!
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