Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wow! There's a lot of information on the internet!

*Throughout this blog, I have attached several links. They can be found in the name of the thing I am telling you about, if you would like to check these things out.

I know that might sound like such a stupid statement, obviously there is a lot of information on the Internet! But until recently, I never really explored it. I never had read a blog until my friend Hartley moved to China. I never looked for recipe's online. I did the things that most people do online, pay bills, email, social space (like myspace or facebook) . . . but that was about it. Then in August I joined a group that would change how I would look at the Internet. I joined a wonderful mommy group called Hemet Moms and Wives of Faith In this group I have met SO many amazing women! And not to mention talented!! In fact I have decided that when my crafty skills are all grown up I want to be like Jennifer Clark that's her blog! Check it out!! Also I learned from Jennifer is my new favorite place online Pandora Music You click in a favorite artist or genre of music and it makes you your own radio station! I have a couple right now, but my FAVORITE at the moment is my ABBA station!! Cameron can now sing several ABBA songs . . . is that bad? Also there is a women named Stephanie and for an entire year she made all of her meals in a crock pot!! On her blog, she includes all of the recipes! Then there is a man named Matt Who's daughter was born in March and 27 hours later his wife died when a blood clot went to her lungs. He has been raising his daughter alone and has shared not only her but his feeling and emotions of being a single dad. Then the final thing I will share with you is another very talented blog called the craft apple it is "sew" (every pun intended) refreshing to see other people embracing the domestic arts! I felt like I was one of the only people left who sewed and canned and baked. . . but then a little searching on the Internet found me all these wonderful people. So . . . I think it would be safe to say that I might have a slight blog obsession . . . but I'm okay with that.


Alison Parker said...

yes, jen is super craftastic. okay, so i'm listening to the ABBA station on Pandora right now. love the internet!

Jen said...

aww, you guys!!!! ;)

you should check out if you haven't - she knits and sews and cans and grows food - even organizes an organic food co-op. she's cool. and she has a second blog to help crafty mamas use their craftiness to help out mamas in other parts of the world...very cool! i made baby hats and sent them to her, which got sent to Haiti for newborn babies.