Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I'm utterly amazed that today is January first 2009!!! I can not believe how fast time is moving. They say it goes faster as you get older, but I am taking new heart to the song by Kenny Chesney "Don't Blink" They took the link down on youtube, but if you haven't heard the song, you can go to and type in the title. But he talks about how you shouldn't blink because life moves faster than a blink. I am starting to believe this. I mean here I am on the dawn of a new year and it seemed like just yesterday I was pulling out my Christmas decorations. Where did the month go? Then I think that in 2 months Cameron will be 5! FIVE!!! That is so crazy to me! He has grown a whole inch in less than a month!! Where did the time go? He's smart and creative and sneaky and funny and and and, and just "yesterday" he was an infant! Well I wanted to post something, because I hadn't realized that it had been almost a whole two weeks since my last post! I know, where did the time go. But I have so much to post later. Piper Jane made her appearance and I want to share her with you. Then of course we had Christmas and that was such a blessing and then I will share with you our very uneventful New Years Eve . . . So I will be back later to fill you in about the end of our 2008 in a little bit. Until then I hope your 2009 is full of blessings and health and happiness. . . and maybe it will go slow for you, if not, then next January 1, you can sit in utter shock with me as a ponder where 2009 went!

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