I started by making my meat. I knew, in all reality this was going to take the longest amount of time. I took a large chuck roast and put it in my crock pot fully submerged. I left it on all day and let it cook till it was falling apart. I then made a red sauce. Let me tell you, the smartest thing I did during my tamale adventure was I tasted my red sauce before I added my meat. It was NOT good! So I threw away my red sauce (so much for the recipe on sauces I found). I started to think about flavors I like and went from there. I took a large can of green enchilada sauce, a medium white onion and two cans of diced green chili's. It smelled good so I added my meat. I let it slow cook on my stove top for about an hour or so. This allowed the flavors to really soak in! While my meat was slow cooking (again) I made my masa.
When I told people that I made tamales their first question was "difficult huh?" Me, "um, not so much. Way easier than canning 35 quart jars of pumpkin!" Their second question was "where did you get your masa from?" Me, "I made my own" them "what! Really?!" The answer was yes and of the whole process, I would say this was the easiest part. And again the part that had me the most worried. 85% of a tamale is it's masa, bad masa, bad tamale!
I started with 2 lbs of corn masa
I then added my spices. 1 Tbs Salt, 3 Tbs Chili powder, 1 Tbs Cumin, 3 Tbs onion Powder.
I blended the masa corn and the spices well before adding any liquid. I didn't want to have a "spice chunk" somewhere in my masa. I then added 2 cups of corn oil. I wanted to stay away from lard, because frankly, even though it gives it a good flavor it is SO bad for you!
I then added roughly 2 quarts of beef stock to my mix. I used the water I had cooked my roast in, draining off the fat. This added VERY good flavor. I mixed my masa to a peanut butter consistency. I had my corn husks soaking in water for about 2 hours to soften them up. When they were ready I spread my masa onto a husk, covering about 2/3 of the husk, leaving enough room for rolling.
I then filled the tamale with the seasoned roast
When I got the tamale rolled, making sure the meat was covered with masa I tied the end off using torn husks as ties.
I filled my steamer with the tamales till I ran out of meat (about 3.5 dozen)
And then steamed the tamales for 2 hours, checking the water level and adding water when needed. After the 2 hours, I pulled one tamale out of the steamer and left it on the counter for 5 minutes to set. I then unwrapped it to see if it was cooked. Success!
Since the first time I made tamales I have made two more batches. One additional batch with beef and the second with pork. When I ran out of pork I still had masa so I made about 20 or so tamales with cheese and green chili's. These were such a huge hit, they were gone within minutes!
Still waiting for some!!! You're making me hungry!!!
Hands down the best tamales I have ever had!!!!
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