One of things that Larry and discovered last year was ocean kayaking. Last September, for our anniversary, we went kayaking to the seven caves of La Jolla. We got an offer from the tour company that we used for discount kayaks for last Friday only. My sister and Bob took Cameron for several hours so that we could take advantage of $5 kayak rentals. Because this trip was a rental excursion and not a tour, we would be on our own in the kayaks. We got down there and the water was rough!! To say the least! We got into our kayaks and had to row hard to get behind the waves. After about 10 minutes or so, we finally got out far enough that the waves weren't breaking on us. The wind and sea was SO turbulent that my first choice of kayaking to the caves became an impossibility for us. As we approached the caves the swells increased and not wishing to be thrown into the rocks, we opted to just kayak around and also float off shore. We decided on a little spot about a mile and a half or two miles off shore. We paddled next to each other, hung on to each others kayaks and just talked. Every once in a while a sea lion would swim by. It was a very calming experience! After about an hour and a half or more (it's really easy to loose time when your out to sea with out a watch) we decided to head back in. One of the things we loved about the last time we went kayaking was the ability to "surf" in. This was not an option on this turbulent day! A huge wave hit Larry hard and he toppled out of his kayak. It spun me around and sideways and I rode the kayak in for about 30 feet, backwards and sideways, before it toppled me out. But when all was said and done I had lost my sunglasses and Larry lost one of his water shoes. We can't wait to do it again! The kayak part, not the being thrown from a kayak by a giant wave part!
Us before

Larry in his kayak

Those are the 7 caves behind Larry


1 comment:
Where is that pic of the BIG Wave taking out Larry! I miss you all ready Driver.
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