Today, pre-gingerbread, Larry and Cameron were working in the backyard. Larry moved our deck box and disturbed some mice (tis the season :( so he set some sticky mice traps. To lure the mice to them he placed M&M's on the traps. When Larry wasn't looking, Bernadette, our dog, decided to sneak some of the M&M's off the traps. Larry was worried that there could be something on the traps that could harm Bernadette. Cameron looked at him and said "why don't you call animal control and see if they are harmful to dogs?" AAAHHH from the mouths of babes! What a smart 4 year old!
Back to gingerbread night. So even though the only builders were me, Larry, Cameron, Jessica, Ashley and Christopher the whole family came out to watch. Then we topped off the evening with pizza and buffalo wings and watched White Christmas and Elf. I would say it was the perfect start to the Christmas season!
Here are some pictures of our houses
Front of Cameron's house (notice the wreath? Also the yellow thing is a tire swing)
One side
The Back
The other side
My house
Larry's train
1 comment:
So cute you guys!
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