Well, lets see. How do you start a blog? It's November 9, 2008! Where did the year go?!?!? I am sitting at my computer, which is where I spend so much of my time these days. Larry is snuggled in with Cameron doing their nightly ritual while I take a hold of a few quiet minutes. I love the night! Not that I don't love the day time and all the things that that brings. But I love night when my house is calm, clean and quiet. There usually isn't a lot of traffic at night, which is very different from the day. And we don't have television, so there is no noise in the background. Just quiet! So I will take a few minutes, to inform those of you who care, what is going on in the land of Zay.
I don't know who is going to be reading this. It will probably be family, friends maybe some clients (who are becoming friends!) maybe strangers, I don't know! I've never done this before. So I will tell you who we are. Larry is the head of our house. He is a firefighter and LOVES what he does! I am Kammy, I am co-owner of All Yours Photography! I didn't choose photography as a profession, I fell into it and boy am I glad! I LOVE what I do! It rarely takes me away from my family for long periods of time and I LOVE being able to capture other peoples memories! Cameron is our oh so adorable red headed son! And for all the frustration he brings, it's not a drop in the bucket to the amount of joy he brings! I am blessed to be his mommy! He is so cute and so smart and even though it's hard, it is SO worth every minute! Even those frustrating, I'm going to pull my hair out if you don't listen moments! We have been in our home almost 10 years! We finished landscaping the backyard and are starting to move inside as well as the front. We did a temporary landscape out front because we knew they were putting in sidewalks, but now that they just finished that, we will need to redesign it. But not today! I think the inside needs a face lift first. What do I care about curb appeal, I don't live in the front! LOL
Lets see . . . I have had a very busy week that is preceding a very busy week. I am blessed beyond measure! It's amazing that at this time in our economic condition, that we are not only in business, but growing! I just want to take a second to thank our customers for that! If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be in business, doing what we love! It's nice to have something of my own. Something that I helped create that eventually could provide a real income for us. I can honestly say it doesn't feel like work! We just did three shoots on the beach yesterday. By far, these are my favorite shoots. I would rather be shooting at the beach than anywhere! We have a saying in our family, that a bad day at the beach, still beats a bad day anywhere else! We are off to Lake Elsinore tomorrow to see the estate for a party we are shooting on Thursday. Now fill in with play date, bunco, swim lessons, school time (that is a whole other blog) and photo shoots, we are going to have a busy week indeed. So as I finish up my last few minutes of quiet (I really need to use this time to finish cleaning my office) I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy reading this, it's kind of therapeutic in some weird way. Oh and not to freak you out but Christmas is 45 days! YIKES